February Free CE: An Integrated Care Approach to Healthy Aging

When:  Feb 26, 2024 from 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM (PT)
Associated with  Nu Xi at-Large Chapter


An Integrated Care Approach to Healthy Aging

Speaker: Doris Yu, RN, PhD, FHKAN, FAAN, FGSA

Professor, Chair (Research)

School of Nursing

Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

The University of Hong Kong

Date / Time: Monday - 26 February 2024 / 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time

Register at: https://bit.ly/CNE26February2024

Continuing Education provided by Omicron Delta Chapter

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing Provider #: 16709 for 1 (one) Contact Hour


Online Instructions:
Url: http://bit.ly/CNE26February2024
Login: Register at URL below